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The Advantage: As Seen on THIS OLD HOUSE®

Geothermal Industry News, Sustainable Living Bryson Buehrer February 08 3 minutes reading time

At Enertech, the intersection of energy and technology is at the core of what we do. It started with geothermal heat pumps and, as we grow to understand the evolving needs of our customers and homeowners, continues with broader technological innovations - such as our Advantage heat pump. Homeowners aren't the only ones taking notice of this unique product! As seen on This Old House®, the Advantage offers a wide variety of benefits unique to the unit. Let's look at some of the key features highlighted in that episode.


No In-home refrigerant Lines

Even in sub-zero temperatures, the Advantage is a turnkey solution to providing an entire home with heating, cooling, and hot water. The exceptionally quiet outdoor unit is perfectly able to draw heat energy into the home in frigid conditions. As this is an air-source system, the outdoor and indoor components must be connected.

In standard air-source systems, refrigerant lines are ran outdoors and inside the home, introducing undesireable risks associated with possible refrigerant leaks. In the case of ductless mini-split systems, refrigerant must be ran in every single room that requires heating and cooling.

This is not the case with Enertech's Advantage system. It's a monobloc design, meaning that the outdoor unit contains the entirety of the refrigeration circuit. The eliminates the need to run refrigerant in the home, decreasing complexity upon installation and drastically increasing the homeowner's peace of mind.

Radiant and forced-air Capabilities

With savings of over 40% when compared to a standard air-source system, there's a lot to love with the Advantage. One of its largest differentiating features, however, is its flexibility.

The Advantage is well-equipped to provide heating, cooling, and hot water through traditional pre-existing ductwork all while excelling at radiant, in-floor heat. Lauded as the most comfortable method of heating a space, a home with radiant heating is an experience you have to feel to believe! With the Advantage air-to-water heat pump, you really can have the best of both worlds.

Potential for Net-zero living

Converting a home from being dependant on fossil fuels to utilizing electricity opens up an entire world of possibilities. While the grid that supplies the home with electricity may not use 100% renewable energy sources, a renewable future is far more attainable with electrified homes. For example, as of 2020, 60% of the electricity in New York state was supplied by renewable or non-fossil-fuel sources. Renewable electrification is the next step of energy provision, and using a highly efficient electric heating and cooling solution brings your home into that vision!

With performance numbers that outmatch traditional air-source solutions, homes with the Advantage air-to-water system are well-suited for solar. A more efficient HVAC system means that a smaller solar PV array can be installed that will cover a greater percentage of the home's energy demands. With the appropriate roof or ground-mounted solar PV array, net-zero energy usage is attainable for many homeowners.

Want to learn more about how your home could gain the Advantage? Click to get a quote!

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Bryson Buehrer
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